Eternal Bronze Sculpture for City of Sedona - by James Muir Bronze Allegorical Sculptor-Artist

Eternal a bronze sculpture Allegory for the City of Sedona by James Muir bronze allegorical artist

"Eternal" monument (coming soon)

City of Sedona

The Monumental (15 ft high) “Eternal”, commission awarded by City of Sedona to James Muir in March 2022, will be installed by Spring of 2023 at the Chapel Road Roundabout on Hwy 179 leading into Sedona.

This unique sculpture was created by James specifically for the roundabout at Chapel Road to not only welcome the traveler to the Red Rocks of Sedona, but also to serve as pointing the way to the famous Chapel of The Holy Cross where his 33 ft high “Christ of The Holy Cross” was installed in 2018.

The sculpture represents the Universal “Eternal Flame” in the silhouette of a Roman-era clay oil lamp. The lighted flame is appropriately illuminated by a Solar-powered source, in keeping with Sedona’s “Dark Sky” designation, to serve as a guiding light for the weary traveler throughout the long days and nights of their “Journey.” The Lamp surmounts a Red Rock “cairn”, a feature used by man since the beginning of time, including on the trails of Sedona, as landmarks to designate the Path.

Encircling the “Lamp” is the scientific phenomenon of the one-sided Mobius Ring which, like God, has only one side, Love. While technically a true “Mobius” takes the form of the figure 8 “Infinity” symbol, it has here been expanded to form a ring, a “Portal” through which the sacred grounds of the Red Rocks are viewed.

James N. Muir

Eternal a bronze maquette sculpture Allegory for the city of Sedona by James Muir bronze allegorical artist

Eternal a study in bronze sculpture Allegory for the city of Sedona by James Muir bronze allegorical artist