Eden's Gate and Visions of The White Man's Road a Bronze Sculpture Allegory by James Muir Bronze Allegorical Sculptor-Artist

Eden's Gate and Visions of The White Man's Road a Bronze Sculpture Allegory by James Muir

"Edens Gate and Visions of The White Man's Road"

24"H (maquette edition)

edition 24

“Vision of the White Man’s Road”
With traditional sacred feather in one hand
and the mystic fruit
offered by strangers to his world in the other,
original man sits at the crossroads of a fateful
decision – whether to stay true to his own known path
or to follow a new road into the unveiling of an
unknown White World... .

“Eden’s Gate”
Mystic Portal to a Paradise lost... .
Now unknown,
“Changing Woman”... .once and future Eve...
with golden Fruit from the Tree of Life... .
Freely offered,
Fully tendered,
to Man…at the crossroads of weeded paths,
of self-wrought strife.

With Vision unveiled by inner sight... .
the Journey continues
to a world of White.

James N. Muir

Historical Note: This piece is based upon the legendary Garden of Eden Allegory herein by a young maiden of the Oak Creek Band of Western Apache in her “coming out” dress for the adolescent puberty ceremony
Available as a pair, or individually...